"Ancestral History of Thomas F. Myers"

Monday, May 19, 2014

Happy Blog-aversary to this little blog! Three years and still having fun

Friday May 16th was the third anniversary of this blog. It was one of the best decisions of my genealogical life, not counting when I took Mom's bait and started asking her about the ancestors. Why does it rank so high on my "best" list? Because it connects me with cousins, especially new-to-me cousins. They call it "cousin bait."

The list of cousin connections is far too long to easily remember. Would have to go look it up. From the get-go I wanted to create a blog that the lost cousins find and value, a blog worth their effort and so much so that they are moved to email. I try hard to do my best when posting, try to get it right, hits and many misses along the way, try to go back and revise when I notice errors. Try hard to use the correct tense when posting, a thing that challenges me constantly.

There was the time a porn bot found something in one blog post about when we moved to Cleveland, but I never did figure out what it was that attracted the bot. When I clicked on the referring link, well, it wasn't PG rated! How that happened I haven't a clue. Finally just took the post down. Have heard that the highest number of search subjects is porn and after that genealogy. Maybe some industrious web master was trying to connect the two?

Then recently a major researcher and author for the Whetstone surname contacted me and shared a couple of discoveries that she'd made about the early immigrants of that line who were Palatinates. I had emailed her hoping to make a connection but it wasn't until she read some posts here on our shared Whetstones that she took time to be in touch, and I'm very grateful that she did. She's just lovely... and generous.

It always amazes me when I check the stats and see a hit on an very old post or search on a family surname. I'm reminds that even though I'm busy now with other ancestors, lost cousins are searching daily. It's the Surname Saturday posts that pulls them in. Those are golden. I've stopped the Surname Saturday posts for now because the main surnames were covered, and those are the ones that I'm focusing on in my DNA pursuits. That works for me. But I might go back because it's so much fun.

So here goes into year four! Thanks for stopping by.

The URL for this post is:


  1. Happy blogiversary - here's to many more!

  2. Diane,

    I want to let you know that your blog post is listed in today's Fab Finds post at http://janasgenealogyandfamilyhistory.blogspot.com/2014/05/follow-friday-fab-finds-for-may-23-2014.html

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Congrats, Diane, on three years!!

  4. Happy Blogiversary! Congratulations on your three years.
