"Ancestral History of Thomas F. Myers"

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Treasure Chest Thursday: A new found cousin and a photo of our 2nd great grandmother!

Nancy Ann(e?) (Troutman) Workman
(1826 - 1882)

There she is: my second great grandmother on my paternal grandmother's side! Ask me if I'm happy, go ahead:) This picture is my newest treasure!

I've always wondered what Dad's mother's grandmother looked like. I especially liked to think about it because Nancy was my Grandma's grandma. I was on Ancestry.com yesterday and noticed a new "shaking leaf" hint so I clicked on though to find this photo of her posted by user, "frostburgmd". Of course I recognize the user name immediately as a short form of Frostburg, Maryland, and the home to plenty of my ancestors. As a matter of fact, all the Troutman and Workman ancestors going back to just after the American Revolution lived down the hill and just a stone's throw from where Mom lives right now.

I could hardly wait to message that user, but first I saved the photo of Nancy to my files... and backed it all up.

Look at that dress and hat! Am thinking that this is a studio picture that must have been taken before 1882 when she died. My guess, and I'm never too good at this, is that she's what, maybe 40 years old. So 1860-something?

Her daughter was Moretta (Workman) Zeller (1859 - 1846), and here she is, below.

Moretta (Workman) Zeller
(1859 - 1946)

She looks all dressed up and quite stylish as well. Moretta's daughter was my dearly beloved Grandma Kelly, and here she is as a young girl in another great hat.

Helen (Zeller) Kelly
(1894- 1985)

So new-to-me Cousin Jack and I are all busy messaging back and forth, comparing notes and talking about maybe having lunch in the spring when I travel east again. We might even get my brother to take his big truck back up in the woods in search of the old Workman Family Cemetery! Yeah, that would be fun!

Treasure Chest Thursday is a blogging prompt from GeneaBloggers.

The URL for this post is: http://nutsfromthefamilytree.blogspot.com/2013/10/treasure-chest-thursday-newfound-cousin.html

1 comment:

  1. I have had this post saved to read in my Feedly account for sometime. So glad I was able to find time to read it. Congratulations on your new treasure and your new cousin connection. The photos are awesome.
