"Ancestral History of Thomas F. Myers"

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Thursday Update

 And look! She has a star wand! What does it mean?!
This was my Wordless Wednesday post yesterday, and really, I did try to not blather on and on about it:) Then I talked to Mom this morning and she asked me, "Where did you get that picture?" And I told her I got it from her! She knew nothing about it!
This image is so charming that it caught my attention long ago. I've sent it to Mom by email a couple of times but she didn't comment on it and we moved on to other more pressing topics so it fell by the wayside. Until this week when I started reorganizing my photo file... again.
When Mom didn't know a thing about it, we came up with the idea to post it to the Facebook page, You Know You're From Frostburg When.... The group has been very helpful and just about everyone is interested in and passionate about Frostburg history.
Frostburg is the little mountain town in Western Maryland in Allegany County where all of my ancestors in the last three or four generations lived. Gosh, we have some lines that go back to the 1700s there, so Mom and I are always interested in whatever is going on about good old Frostburg. Recently I posted a photo of my great grandfather Joseph Hampton Whetstone (1858-1939) in a fire fighter's uniform and you can see it here. In the blog post I explained how the same Frostburg Facebook group had been instrumental in our learning about his work with this important element of the Frostburg community. More recently we found out by way of a connection I made on the Facebook group that Joseph H. and two of his brothers, Peter and Frank, all served on the FFD. During the same time period, their brother-in-law, Enoch Clise was mayor of Frostburg, twice. 
Here's what the Facebook group had to say about this mystery photo:
I posted: BTW, if it helps, Mom's family went to the Congregational Church on Bowery and Dad's family went to St Michael's. That truly is all we know:)
Next came: It looks like a May Day celebration. The steeple of the Methodist Church on Main St. is in the back ground (I think).
Alternately: My guess and it's only a guess is it may have been a Confirmation at St. Mikes.
Here's another good guess: Looks like a Pageant of some sort to me. Some of the children are wearing what looks like adult clothes...note the dragging on the ground of the dresses and oh my the boy to the right's pants are almost coming off:) the Bishop looks to be about 12 or 13. Oh maybe a mock wedding look at the girl in front, she looks like she is wearing a wedding dress and the boys with the pillows could be ring bearers?
Then I posted: A mock wedding! That looks about right... and the kid with falling down pants might be the little groom:) I remember we did those in the 1950s when I was a kid. Always hard to find a groom and it usually turned out to be some one's little brother!
A couple more votes for May Day and a couple more for confirmation.


Am thinking that there could be a little problem with May Day... it's Fburg after all! Here's a photo I took back in 2006 during the second week of May. The foliage in the pageant photo looks a bit heavier, but then again it's black and white. And, this photo was taken on an overcast day, so probably not the best comparison.



May Day, confirmation celebration, or mock wedding. Doesn't really matter to me because it's all cute!

Because Mom knew nothing about the pageant photo I'm wondering if it came from the Kelly side of the family, and that's Dad's people. Looks like something the Kelly people would do:)

The URL for this post is: http://nutsfromthefamilytree.blogspot.com/2013/09/wordless-wednesday-thursday-update.html

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