"Ancestral History of Thomas F. Myers"

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Surname Saturday: The Frantz Family

Here it is Saturday and I'm ready to go with another version of one of my favorite blogging prompts from GeneaBloggers called Surname Saturday. This week we're still back in the 3rd great grandmothers, having already covered the earlier grandmothers and a bunch of the grandfathers in previous posts. We're looking at the Frantz family and specifically, Christina (or maybe Christiana) Frantz who married our  Jacob Whetstone Jr. and the son of one of our Revolutionary War men.

And let me ask you, how do you pronounce that name, Frantz? Like the Europeans say "french" or like the Americans say it? Because those are the two ways it turns up in records!

And this week I'm changing it up a bit. All of the children from my great grandparents back are included in an efforet to provide better "cousin bait".

1. Diane Kelly Weintraub

2. Francis Patrick " Pat" Kelly
1916 - 2007
3. Virginia Williams, living and loving it

6. Cambria Williams 1897 - 1960
7. Emma Susan Whetstone 1897 - 1956

14. Joseph Hampton Whetstone 1858 - 1938
15. Catherine Elizabeth House 1865 - 1947
They had 12 children in all and they are:
Charles Albert Whetstone 1887 - 1965
James Franklin Whetstone 1889 - 1960
Clarance Hampton 1891 - 1976
Grace Elizabeth 1893 - 1959
Peter Whetstone 1895 - 1906
7. Emma Susan Whetstone 1897 - 1956
Edna Whetstone 1900 - 1922
Margaret Ann Whetstone 1902 - 1996
Joseph Edward 1903 - 1972
Leslie Laurance Whetstone 1905 - 1995
Viola Whetstone 1906 - 1997
George Washington Whetstone 1911 - 1975

28. Joseph Edward Whetstone 1816 - 1897
29. Sarah Waggoner 1825 - 1880
They had these 13 children:
Elizabeth Jane Whetstone 1842 - 1896
Susan Emily Whetstone 1844 - 1877
Peter Yeast Whetstone 1847 - 1918
William Whetstone 1850 - ?
Charles Whetstone 1851 - 1880
Charlotte "Lottie" Whetstone 1852 - 1872
Mary Alice Whetstone 1856 - 1862
14. Joseph Hampton Whetstone 1858 - 1938
G. O. Theodore Whetstone 1860 - 1861
John Edward Whetstone 1862 - 1896
Bradford Whetstone ?
Zoe Violet Whetstone 1864 - 1948
Frank Whetstone 1869 - 1959

56. Jacob Whetstone Jr. 1776 - 1869
57. Christina Frantz 1774 - ?
Jacob and his brother Solomon married the Frantz girls: Jacob Jr. married Christina and Solomon married her sister Catherine.
By tracing the birth location of the children we find this couple first living in Berks County, Pennsylvania, then a brief stop in Somerset County and last in Selbysport, Garrett, Maryland, a move taken as best we can guess about 1815. He was a farmer.
They had the following children:
Female Whetstone born in 1792
Samuel Whetstone 1794 - ?
Female Whetstone born 1795
John W. Whetstone 1796 - 1848
Female Whetstone born 1804
Hannah Whetstone 1808 - ?
Catherine Whetstone 1810 - 1893
Daniel Whetstone 1812 - 1888
28. Joseph Edward Whetstone 1816 - 1897
Rebecca Susan Whetstone 1803 - 1881

114. Johannes John Frantz (1745 - 1786)
115. Mary Agnes Roof (1749 - ?)
Johannes John was born and died in Colraine Township, Bedford, Pennsylvania, which is just north of Beegelton. Mary Agnes Roof was born in Louden County, Virginia, and how the two of them came to meet is anyone's guess.
They had the following children known to us:
57. Christina Frantz (1774 - ?)
Catherine Frantz (1780 - ?) She married Stephan Riley.
Margaret Frantz (1806 - 1882) She married John Harcher.
John Frantz (1778 - 1842) He was twins with:
Joseoh Frantz (1778 - ?)
Johnathan Frantz (?)

228. Johannes Frantz (?)
229. Susanna Last Name Unknown (?)
Here's what Mom has as Johannes birthplace: Walhausen, Bayern-Pfalz, Germany. There's no year for his birth or death but we do know that his eldest son, Johannes John, was born in Colerane Twp., Beford County, PA in 1745 so he must have immigrated before that time.
The only child known to us is:
114. Johannes John Frantz (1745 - 1786)

I dunno, but maybe one of the Frantz men served in the Revolutionary War. A quick check of the pension files on Fold3 yields nothing immediately useful and the DAR database show a John Frantz born in 1825. That might be our number 228 but there's a lot of "if" going on and this would have to be thoroughly checked out.

There is plenty to do on this line and I have a gut feel that it will yield results.

The URL for this post is: http://nutsfromthefamilytree.blogspot.com/2013/06/surname-saturday-frantz-family.html

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