"Ancestral History of Thomas F. Myers"

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wisdom Wednesday: One Little Keystroke

Oh, gosh. Here it is Wednesday all over again. My stupid cold is almost gone and my brain is sort of working, so let's do a thing with the GeneaBlogger's blogging prompt called Wisdom Wednesdays. This week it's all about how one little click of the mouse can make a difference.

Poof! Gone: last week's Wisdom Wednesday post! So I was on my Blogger post listing page and noticed a draft of a post that didn't look like it was going to amount to much so I thought to delete it. Thing is, I sometimes begin a post and then look at it later and see that what I thought was just this side of brilliant now looks pretty unworthy. So I decided to delete it. (Can you see this coming?) I deleted last week's Wisdom Wednesday post by mistake and I really can't even tell you how that happened, except to say: did I mention I had a cold?

Ancestry.com and cousins. I really like finding new-to-me cousins because you never know what treasures they hold. The odd photo, the name or date of birth for the woman Uncle George married, maybe an old diary or family bible. You never know until you find a cousin and ask. And that cousin might be waiting for me, one click away. This past week received an old wedding photo from a Thomas cousin. We have a nice little group of six who all descended from Benjamin Thomas (1793 - 1846) and Hannah Evans (1798 - 1868) who came to America with their 10 children on the Barque Tiberius in 1883. All from one click on a shaking leaf on Ancestry.com to send a message and connect!
White hair shock at temple = Waardenburg Syndrome. Who knew? Grandma Kelly had a big shock of white hair at her right temple. When I think about her in my mind's eye, it's always there. Was thinking about it the other day and musing over how unusual that is to have a big clump of white hair and wondering if it was a vitamin deficiency or some other medical symptom cluster. So I googled it... one little click... and had my answer. It's Waardenburg Syndrome! Mom said that Grandma used to get real mad at people who asked her why she'd dyed her hair white. Grandma likely never new that Waardenburg Syndrome was responsible for her fashion statement. Mom and I don't think that she had the other symptoms of this genetic disorder such as hearing impairment, and unusual eye pigmentation. Just the distinctive patch of white hair.

Grandma Kelly with her shock of white hair. That's my baby brother and GrandPop Kelly.

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