"Ancestral History of Thomas F. Myers"

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Happy Blogiversary to The Nut Tree!!

Nuts From The Family Tree is two years old today!!

Wow, this has been fun! And educational. I think that in the last two years I've learned much more than I would have without this blog. I've met new friends, picked up some new-to-me cousins, deepened my skills as a researcher, and maybe even am a better blog writer. Would I do it again? You bet!!

Here's a big e-hug to all who left comments, even the spammers. Any comment lets me know that the blog lives! And the "real" comments are the best and I thank you who took a moment to write something. Just an "atta girl" makes me smile and puts some icing on the cake of my day. But looking at the comments list now, I can see that so many of them taught me something valuable or started me down a road that paid off. How great is that? Readers who commented, have a slick of cake! Look, it's chocolate:)

My blog gives me gifts almost every day. With every post and thinking about what I'm going to write, I have a chance to slow down and sort out the ancestors, pondering their lives and their world one more time. When I do, I ask myself what more could be found about them and where might I look for that.

Recently while visiting Mom, I surprised myself with some dexterity searching for a record as I approached the search a couple of different ways. I would never have been able to do that a year ago and have other bloggers to thank for showing me how to do better searches. Fellow bloggers, have a slice of cake!

And I'll take a slice of cake because posting here lights my own desire to work on problems. Must be the candles lighting my way!

The URL for this post is: http://nutsfromthefamilytree.blogspot.com/2013/05/happy-blogiversary-to-nut-tree.html


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Jana!! Have a slice of cake;)

  2. Cheers for two years, and here's to many more, Diane!

    1. Thanks for the comment, Julie! Have a slice of e-cake;)
