"Ancestral History of Thomas F. Myers"

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tombstone Tuesday: A Funny Thing in The File

If you've been reading for any time at all then you know that I'm following in Mom's footsteps here doing whatever I can to get her fine work out to the world. Her files are a treasure chest of cousin bait! All I have to do is bait the hook and find a good fishin' hole.
Recently as a small project to get the files in order I've been doing some photo editing and file naming on the photos Mom took over the years of tombstones. It's still a mess but getting better as time goes by.
Mom will admit that she's not the world's greatest photographer, but that never stops her from whipping out the camera and snapping a tombstone. And I'm super happy that she did back when Dad was alive and could drive her all over Western Maryland, northern West Virginia and south west Pennsylvania all along the border with Maryland.
She'd find out about another cemetery and off they'd go on an adventure. Dad would make groaning sounds when he had to drive his precious Cadillac down a dirt road to a long-ago closed family or small community cemetery. The best pay off was when Dad found an old farmer or caretaker around that he could chat up about history of the area. Dad loved history and he loved talking to old guys because they knew so much stuff!
Off Mom would go looking for tombstones with surnames that were on her Big Tree. When she got the film developed Mom put them into one of those photo albums with the sticky pages. (I can hear your groan way over here, but she likes them.) So last year when I was visiting Mom I took photos of all her photos. Yes, I can hear you groan again because it's a loss with each step, but hey, you gotta get what you can get while you can get it.
Here's one I found just recently of the tombstone for my cousin Crissy, who is gone now, and her son Sammy. It's a sad image to me because I knew them well, or at least it was sad until I looked again. See Mom??
Tombstone Tuesday is a weekly blogging prompt from GeneaBloggers. You can find the whole week's list of prompts here.

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