"Ancestral History of Thomas F. Myers"

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wisdom Wednesday: Stuff I Learned This Week

Here I am on Wednesday again, considering how very much I don't yet know, but am working on it. So it's time to take up the GeneaBlogger's Blogging Prompt called Wisdom Wednesdays, and see if I've learned anything this week.

First and because I blogged about it last week, I've graduated from newbie to almost intermediate. In a comment for last week's Wisdom Wednesday post, Doug tipped me off to the IGHR Course 2 listed as Intermediate and with a great definition of just what that means, and pointed out that it could be time to stop calling myself a newbie. So thank you, Doug Williams!! I can check off most items on the list which you can find here. The two areas where I'm as lost as a babe in the woods are source citations and court house research. Mom did all the court house stuff but she's told me about her adventures. Hearing about a thing is not the same as doing a thing your very own self, so I'll keep it in mind should the need arise.

I need source citation help! There's a lot of info out there on source citation, and I have read Evidence! Citation and Analysis for the Family Historian by Elizabeth Shown Mills. I bought it because her landmark book scared the daylights out me... and that's some real honesty right there, folks. Here's a blog post by James Tanner at Genealogy's Star blog that sets the lay of the land for me, which you can find here. Yes, I do believe what he's saying and I see the need to site sources properly, if for no other reason than to be able to find my own silly way back to that source with a juicy bit of data.
Reading that Mills book as I did I came to see that not too much of it rubbed off. I guess my next step is to assemble a list of learning experiences that fit into my learning style, which is experiential. It helps to know what learning style you are. A learning plan is needed. Once I have a list of resources I'll be able to try out a couple and then settle in to learn something that does stick. But what I'd really like to have is a workbook or online experience of typical citations that I can do and learn that way. Anyone know where to find that?

Wow! I really appreciate the Family History Writing Challenge! The resources and blog posts and forum are fantastic and well beyond my wildest dreams. Have always thought that writing is like physical conditioning in that the more you do it, the easier it comes, and the more you want to do it. With a little encouragement we who want to write some family history can get stuff done. So thanks to all participants over at the FHWC!! I'm learning a lot! Drop by and see what's going on and be sure to click on the Forum tab at the top. It's not too late to join us:)

DNA... they received my sample at 23andMe! I know because I got an email from them, and have also received email newsletters. I can and do click through to read more and learn as I go. Cool. Here's a link to their blog.

And last but not at all least, a big rousing Thanks to Jana over in the blog neighborhood at Jana's Genealogy and Family History Blog who does a thing on Friday for Fabulous Finds. Here's a link to the last one here. Last week's post let me know about something I really needed to know about and that's how to download your Blogger and WordPress blog posts! Isn't that wonderful?! Click here to go and find out about downloading your Blogger or WordPress posts.

Photos of the day from the Archive:

From a photo album of the National Pike by E. Gilbert Erwin.
Click on tab above to view the album in its entirety.
The old Castleman Bridge is still there and was recently refurbished.

Below, Dad and Mom, Easter Sunday 1941,
On the Castleman Bridge.

Nice shoes and hat!!
Isn't she cute?

The URL for this post is: http://nutsfromthefamilytree.blogspot.com/2013/01/wisdom-wednesday-stuff-i-learned-this.html

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