"Ancestral History of Thomas F. Myers"

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tombstone Tuesday

Geneabloggers at http://www.geneabloggers.com/ offers genealogy bloggers daily prompts. I usually have some topic at hand but this morning thought it a nice idea to try for somewhat regular posting on Tuesdays of tombstone, thus joining their Tumbstone Tuesdays.

While visiting Mom last fall I copied over her album (physical) of photos she'd taken at cemeteries. While Dad was still alive and driving she'd always be after him to stop at some old cemetery or other all over Western Maryland, South Western Pennsylvania and of course that little pocket of West Virginia known as Preston and Morgan Counties. She has quite a collection and it's my thought that they are not doing anyone any good sitting in her album on a shelf. So here we go. And if you have any suggestions on how else I should share and handle these images please don't y'all be shy!

This grouping is from the Cherry Orchard Cemetery in Magnolia West Virginia. I'm guessing here but Mom must have taken them 10 or even 20 years ago. I say this because I've just been there the last time I visited Mom in June of this year and it looks different now, what with the passage of time.
See blog post: http://nutsfromthefamilytree.blogspot.com/2012/06/let-me-take-you-to-magnolia.html

SHAMBAUGH, Mary M., 1882 - 1969 and Samuel A. 1887 - 1932.

SHAMBAUGH, Elijah, 1820 - 1859


SHAMBAUGH, Marion A. "Ike", 1910 - 1991

 Here are two "Tombstone Mysteries" found at Cherry Orchard Cemetery. At least they are a total mystery to this newbie. I've never seen anything like them and don't know what to make of them and neither does Mom. Mom took these photos of them whenever she was there and I saw them in June and took photos of them too and I can tell you they look as depicted here! If you have a clue, please relieve us of our confusion!


The URL for this post is: http://nutsfromthefamilytree.blogspot.com/2012/08/tombstone-tuesday.html


  1. What interesting stones, especially those mysterious ones.

    Beneath Thy Feet

  2. Mary, Samuel, Orie and Ike are buried in Horn Cemetery. Mary and Samuel are my great-grandparents. I cannot find any information on Orie. There is another marker with the name Tellie Shambaugh in Horn. I cannot find any information on her(?) either. I started posting pictures of Horn Cemetery on findagrave.com.

    There are many unmarked or illegible graves in Cherry Orchard Cemetery which is also Magnolia Cemetery.

    1. Hi Tina- OK, so you're saying that Mom took these photos at Horn Cemetery? If so, thanks so much!! I had thought that this bunch was from Cherry Orchard/Magnolia Cemetery:)
      Cheers, Diane
