"Ancestral History of Thomas F. Myers"

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Happy Blogiversary to This Blog!!

It was just a year ago that I woke up in the morning with the thought to blog about the genealogy work Mom and I were doing! Wow, as they say, the time sure has flown by! And it's been tons of fun. I've found cousins distant and closer, put forth my efforts and gotten top quality feedback, worked through problems because I had to write it down, and often, seen the error of my ways in my own words. I mean, really often;) I can say with total authority, my newbie status is still in tact!

So Happy Blogiversary to Nuts From the Family Tree! (So many nuts, so little time.)

Me and the cousins at my second birthday party,
October 1948.
I'm in the top row, second from right.