"Ancestral History of Thomas F. Myers"

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Two things to report and then I gotta get goin'. First, both of the films I ordered from the Family History Library have arrived at the local Center. The last time, the order process happened at mid-change over in the way they do it so it kinda got messed up. But this time, super fast and efficient!

The second item is a biggie for me, Mom, Aunt Betty! The good old Frostburg Mining Journal is going online!! First I need to explain what the Frostburg Mining Journal is. It was a small newspaper that chronicled life and times in the Frostburg Maryland area during the boom-time of regional coal mining in Western Maryland. From small news to big events, joyous and tragic, the FMJ covered it all. The FMJ was published from 1871 to 1904 and a good many of the original issues and the microfilm of those issues reside with Frostburg State University's Ott Library's Special Collection. They are preserved as best they can be but time is the enemy.

The library admin and staff know how important the FMJ is to researchers. They located the original masters of the film and that was the last I heard of progress toward getting it online... until yesterday!

From the FMJ, January,1898

Long story short, The Maryland State Archives is doing it from the City of Baltimore microfilm! And individuals can sponsor a roll for $60! There are 10 rolls and two have already been sponsored. Think I know what I'll give Mom for Mother's Day;)

Here's a link to the inventory of films and FMJ issue dates. As you can see, two have already been digitized and are ready for browsing:

If Western Maryland history is your interest, here's the link to the sponsorship form:

Print out the form and fill it in then mail to:
Allison Rein
Special Collections Manager
Project Director, Maryland Newspaper Project
(410) 260-6477
Maryland State Archives
350 Rowe Boulevard
Annapolis, MD 21401

Photo of the day from my archive:

My GGF, Gus Zeller, often mentioned in the FMJ

Me and Grandma Williams, Emma Susan Whetstone Williams.
Not relevant but I just like it:)

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