"Ancestral History of Thomas F. Myers"

Monday, March 26, 2012

New Project: Capt. Jacob Whetstone (1738 - 1833)

Oh, this is going to be a can of worms! In brief, the issue as Mom and I see it is: were there two Jacob Whetstone Jrs.? We think so. Actually, Mom's gena-hunch has always pointed to the two Jacob Jrs. but, well, you know how it goes... you think to get back to it later but you have other things on the front burner. And you don't particularly care about the other Jacob much and re-focus on your own ancestor.

But now the time has come to look at both of the Jacobs and try to sort it out as best we can. There are DAR bragging rights resting on this one.

In short, we do not think that the Jacob Whetstone (1776 - 1889) who was married to Elizabeth Studebaker (1771- 1861) was the son of Captain Jacob Whetstone who served in the Revolutionary War. A number of DAR applications have this Jacob as Capt. Jacob's son.

Instead, we believe that Jacob Jr. who married Christina Frantz (1774 - ?) was the son of Capt. Jacob. We have some good documentation and of course the inevitable gaps.

Do you see the worms crawling out of the can?

Photo of the day from Cousin Steve's Archive:
Uncle Harold Conrad (Steve's Dad), 1925.

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