"Ancestral History of Thomas F. Myers"

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"Mr. Zeller Weds"

Happy Valentine's Day to all who love!

Here's a short post about love in the Zeller Family (see post below about my GGF, Gustav Zeller.) Great Grandfather Gus Zeller's family moved to Chicago but he visited them and knew about family comings and goings such that he made sure big news was mentioned in local newspapers. Here's the notice of his brother Charles's wedding in the March 3rd, 1906 issue of the Evening Times of Cumberland, MD.

Mr. Zeller Weds

The many friends at this place of Mr. Chas. Zeller, formerly a Frostburger, but now located in Chicago, ILL., will be pleased to learn of his joining the benedicts and taking a voyage over the sea of matrimony. Mr. Zeller was united in wedlock to Miss E. Long, a prominent young lady of Chicago, by a Luthern minister this week. The happy pair will spend several weeks sojourning among places of interest throughout the United States and Canada, after which they will return to Chicago and make their future home. Mr. Zeller, the groom, is a brother of Mr. G. W. Zeller, the Frostburg tonsorial artist, and resided here for many years prior to his removal to the Windy City with his parents some years ago. If possible the bride and groom will spend a few days here the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Zeller before ending their honeymoon, where they will be tendered a reception.

My GGGF, Charles William Zeller, and
father of the groom in the article above 
(MAY 1829, Germany - 17 MAY 1901, Chicago ILL)

My GGF, Gustav Zeller.
See below for dates and stuff.

My GGM, Moretta Workman Zeller (3 APR 1859 - 24 MAR 1946),
Mother of my Grandmother, whom all called "Ma"

My Grandmother Hellen Zeller (Kelly) as a child and the apple of her father's eye,
with her doll carriage and doggies.

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