"Ancestral History of Thomas F. Myers"

Friday, September 30, 2011

A Very Special Gum Wrapper

Cousin Steve sent photos of the gum wrapper mentioned earlier here (see post Seriously G2). I wrote: Received an email this morning from Cousin Steve who just got some more memorabilia from his brother. (His Mom and my Mom were sisters.) In the holdings was a Wriggley's gum wrapper and on the back was a note from his Mom written on the first date she had with what turned out to be her husband and my cousin's father! How magical is that?

Asked Steve to email me the scan of the gum wrapper whenever he got around to scanning. I expected to wait a long while because, well, the man has a life;) But yesterday there it was! So take a look... how wonderful is this?!

Wonder what she meant by "real" date?

The Happy Couple, May 9, 1943

Here's what Cousin Steve wrote about his Mom and Dad and their courtship for the Summer 2011 edition of our family newsletter:
My mom, Dorothy Frances Williams graduated from Frostburg State and was teaching in the Baltimore area when she “laid down the law” and said they were going to get married or else. She had had enough of this long distance romance. So on Friday the 13th in November, 1942, Dorothy and Harold were married. Even the minister questioned whether they really wanted to get married on Friday the 13th!

1 comment:

  1. Wow - what a great find. And I bet Dorothy never imagined that her scribbled note would end up with an international audience!
