"Ancestral History of Thomas F. Myers"

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Nehemiah Newan: She Said He Was Dead

OK, so here's what we have so far on my Revolutionary War ancestor, Nehemiah Newan. He was most likely born in England (no proof) and came to the Colonies with General Braddock (no proof). He enlisted and fought in the Revolutionary War, was wounded at Green Springs VA, honorably discharged at the conclusion of the war as a captain and received a Bounty Land Grant in western Pennsylvania in Westmoreland County. Much proof on all that.

He "removed" to Canandaigue, NY in 1796 (by his own statement in his pension application of 1818) and possibly died there in November of 1820. Am waiting on proof of that. (See previous post.)

This morning I happened to read an article in Family Chronicle magazine about scoundrel ancestors, which always tickles my fancy. Scoundrels are the ones I love best because of the interesting story. You know me, I'm all about the stories.

Because I'm really new to this genealogy stuff there is much to learn and sometimes just stumble across a factiod I can really use. Such was information in the scoundrel article.

So when Nehemiah Newan removed to New York he left behind a wife, possibly named Mary Catharine Kipplinger, or just Mary (how she's listed on most family trees) or just Catharine (how she signed her widow's pension application). She stated that her husband, Nehemiah Newan, was killed in the last battle of the war in the Battle of Yorktown and she never saw him again.

Yeah, well, seems right: she probably never did see him again. It's been my working premise that he deserted her their son Thomas and went to New York to a very remote little village on the frontier were soldiers were known to settle.

What I found in Family Chronicles was a tid-bit explaining that deserted wives of that era said they were widows. Good cover story:) The article gave an example of a woman stating that she was a widow in the 1800 census. Makes sense, doesn't it?

1810 Census from Canandaigue, NY listing Nehemiah Newan.
That's him 12 down from the top as
Neh(small h) Newans.

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