"Ancestral History of Thomas F. Myers"

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Way Better Idea!

I live in San Diego... think I'll take my questions about Nehemiah Newans to the local Family History Center. Here's the link below. See, they even state they can help with ancestors in the UK! Maybe I can find out about his military record with General Braddock and maybe even his birth or whatever. Cool.


See right here's why I love genealogy so much!
This old polaroid (in bad shape) of aunts and uncles having a
great time at Grandma Kelly's house
one Christmas long ago.
A real treasure of the heart!

Thanks, Randy of Gena-Musings for the comment and hints, especially the UK SIG at SDGS, of which I am a member but did not remember about:) Randy, you are so knowledgeable!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nuts (hmm, doesn't sound right, but...),

    I didn't know you were in San Diego. Are you a member of SDGS or CGSSD?

    If you want UK resources, the folks at SDGS have a UK intrerest group that meets at the SDGS Library on Kearny Mesa.

    Check the LDS FHL Catalog to see what resources are availabel on microfilm that you can order at the SD FHC. SD FHC also has Ancestry.com World sub and FindMyPast.com from the UK for free access.

    Cheers -- Randy Seaver
