"Ancestral History of Thomas F. Myers"

Friday, May 20, 2011

Fishing for Troutman on Footnote

There's an ancestor on our tree named Peter Troutman. I have some info from mom but you can never have too many facts, especially about an ancestor who was reportedly in the American Revolution.

I love hunting down tidbits on Revolutionary ancestors because it's a fabulous time in history - holy cow, can you even imagine what that was like - and there are super war records... if you're lucky. Well I got lucky. Curious to me, I didn't find him by searching on his name. I browsed, and who doesn't like a good browse now and again? Records stated that he was in the Pennsylvania Militia, so I checked out the Pennsylvania Archive. Maybe you'd approach it differently, but remember I'm kinda a newbie. I got nuthin'. Seriously, nada.

Then I searched his name in all Pennsylvania war records of soldiers. Zip. Zero returns. Bummer.

So thinking that as usual I probably am clueless about the working method a pro would use I hit the browse button. Drilled down and up popped an alphabetical column (nice!) and I knew - duh - to click on the "T". Troutman! Bingo! Four and a half hours later I had downloaded copies of his war record, pension request, widow's request, and various sundry other documents. Found out he was married two years after his first wife passed. Did not know that. Browsing is way cool!!

It's days like this that keep me coming back. Now today I'm looking for George Adam Echart who also reportedly served in Pennsylvania in the Revolution. Not one hit. Some days you get the bear and some days the bear gets you.

Elsie Long. Isn't she so very cute?

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